The central goal of KISSKI is to carry out research on AI methods and their provision in a highly available AI service centre for critical and sensitive infrastructures. The focus is on the socially highly relevant fields of health and energy. These are among the future fields of application-oriented AI research in Germany. [more]

Research focus
The research planned in KISSKI is designed to increase efficiency in the use of the service centre’s infrastructure and to empower users to apply AI. The research is divided into four interrelated research themes and supports the service centre: where research is successful, emerging prototypes will be taken up and integrated into the services to further improve them. [more]
Institutions in Göttingen, Hannover and Kassel have joined forces to form the KISSKI consortium. Their core competencies in the areas of AI infrastructure, AI methods, health and energy complement each other perfectly. [more]

Associated partners
As a German AI competence centre, KISSKI is integrated into a network of national AI initiatives. [more]
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This project is funded by the the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), funding code 01 IS 22 093 A-E.