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Computing Resources - Training Platform
GPU-based HPC system with current NVIDIA A100 and H100 GPUs for training tasks
Computing Resources - Inference Platform
GPU-based HPC system with current NVIDIA H100 GPUs and a software environment for inference tasks
Computing Resources - Future Technology Platform
Architectures such as ARM and RISC-V and other heterogeneous hardware systems such as Intel Graphcore
Secure HPC Partition
Isolated partition for processing highly sensitive data (e.g. health data) on our systems, e.g. our GPU-based HPC system with current NVIDIA A100 and H100 GPUs.Software

Chat AI
AI chat service similar to ChatGPT with several available models, including ChatGPT-4, and high data protection.
Secure Container Registry
Container Registry for the secure HPC partition, which is for instance comprised of GPU-based HPC systems with current NVIDIA A100 and H100 GPUs for training and inference tasks, respectively.Models & Data

Secure data catalog
You want to index your sensitive data securely and centrally to build a data catalog? We offer you the possibility to store and query metadata encryptedly.
Data and Model Catalog
You want to publish data and models in accordance with the FAIR principles and make them reusable. We offer you a corresponding data and model catalogue.Consulting

Entry-level Consulting for Other Sectors
Entry-level consulting for clients outside the health and energy sectors without practical experience on data-driven solutions and business models
Initial Consultation for Neuromorphic Computing
Overview of the opportunities that modern neuromorphic hardware offers for AI models
Technical Benchmarking - Porting to Neuromorphic Systems
Development and evaluation of the implementation of AI models on modern neuromorphic hardware
Technical Benchmarking - Porting to Graphcore
Explore the potential of innovative Graphcore IPUs for your ML application.
Technical Benchmarking - Porting to FPGA
Trained models can be ported to FPGA-based systems to perform inference tasks in an energy-efficient way.
Technical Benchmarking - Porting to Quantum Computers
Create quantum circuits for innovative solutions to machine learning problems.
Data sovereignty and data management
Consulting on efficient data management with optional consideration of data sovereignty.
Product and process benchmarking of existing customer applications
Evaluation of an AI-based customer application in comparison to the current state of the art