On 7 and 8 November 2023, the CIDAS (Campus Institute Data Science) invited interested parties to immerse themselves in the exciting world of algorithms and data processing for the first time. With its numerous whiteboards, monitors and seating areas, the SUB Göttingen’s Digital Creative Space attracted interested guests to experience AI models and processes first-hand. In addition to imparting knowledge, the focus was on experience: numerous interactive experiments invited visitors to try them out, such as an algorithm that recognises lines in satellite images. Many of the visitors failed in their attempt to distinguish between AI-generated images and real images. Informative posters explained the mechanisms and processes behind the scenes of the experiments. In addition to the interactive hands-on stands, KISSKI was also present at the exhibition, where visitors could find out more about what KISSKI has to offer. Accompanying the exhibition, two AI experts from Göttingen gave insights into their work. Prof. Dr Constantin Pape showed how microscopy images can be analysed with just a few mouse clicks using AI technologies and Dr Valentin Gold gave insights into the real-time visualisation of debates - an area in which large language models such as ChatGPT are used in particular. We would like to thank CIDAS and especially Sebastian von Haaren for the great organisation and look forward to the next AI exhibition.