+++ NEWS +++
Learn how to use the KISSKI infrastructure. On 29 January 2025 we are offering two courses at the Computing Center Göttingen that will introduce you to using the HPC resources of the service center.
The central goal of KISSKI is to carry out research on AI methods and their provision in a highly available AI service centre for critical and sensitive infrastructures. The focus is on the socially highly relevant fields of health and energy. These are among the future fields of application-oriented AI research in Germany. [more]
Our service centre offers comprehensive services to make AI methods and expert knowledge accessible for practical applications, especially for SMEs and start-ups. The services range from the provision of extensive hardware and software resources to consulting and development services to a wide range of training courses and material for students. [more]
Target Groups
Our services initially aim at users in the fields of health and energy, but we are also open to other areas. In particular, we want to address SMEs and start-ups with a need for AI expertise and infrastructure. Institutions and research facilities without sufficient AI resources of their own are also part of the target group. [more]
KISSKI is one of four AI service centres that are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since November 2022. The goal of these AI service centres is to advance AI research in Germany and promote broad transfer into applications. [more]
Institutions in Göttingen, Hannover and Kassel have joined forces to form the KISSKI consortium. Their core competencies in the areas of AI infrastructure, AI methods, health and energy complement each other perfectly. [more]